Frequently Asked Questions about Services from Christie Campus Health


    • You can reach the 24/7 line by calling 833-855-0079.
    • You will be greeted by a phone prompt asking you to press #1 if this is an emergency or stay on the line if not.
    • You may experience a short delay in speaking to a clinician. The average wait time is less than 30 seconds.
    • The clinician who answers the phone can provide support in the moment for your situation or help link you to appropriate therapy and referral options from a provider in our network.
    • The clinician will ask you some questions to get a sense of your concerns and what you are looking for (immediate support, a connection to counseling or both).
    • When you call the 24/7 support line, your call should be answered in less than 30 seconds. From time to time, it may take slightly longer but if your call is an emergency, please press #1 to be routed directly to a clinician.
    • If you would like a referral to a therapy provider, you will be offered 2 options for services: 1) telehealth and 2) face to face:
      1. For telehealth services, appointments can be scheduled in the system while on the phone with the clinician. Appointments are generally available for same and next day services.
      2. Students who prefer to meet face-to-face with a counselor will be referred to providers in the network with known appointment availability. The appointment with the provider will be scheduled based on the provider and student availability. Students are typically offered an appointment within a week to 10 days. If you need an appointment sooner rather than later, we will work with you to find an appointment that suits your needs. 
    • You have the option to meet with a counselor capable of providing face-to-face visits, or you can access telehealth visits through LiveHealth Online.
    • If you choose LiveHealth Online, the 24/7 support clinician on the phone can work with you to get you registered on the LiveHealth Online platform. Once registered, you will be able to search for a provider who fits your specific gender, demographic, ethnic or other preferences. The LiveHealth Online network currently has same and next day appointment availability.
    • If you choose a provider in the face-to-face network, you will be offered referrals to providers local to you with known appointment availability. Scheduling of the session with the provider will be dependent upon your and the treating providers’ schedules. A Navigator will follow up with you to ensure you have been able to find an appointment with one of the providers you were offered.
    • The clinician on the phone provides you with information about how to find and schedule a clinical appointment so that you can have maximum flexibility to choose a clinician who matches your preferences and availability. A Navigator will then follow up with you to ensure that you have been able to make an appointment, and if needed, the Navigator will assist you with getting connected with a clinician.
    • Students can access virtual therapy appointments via the LiveHealth Online app.
    • Students who wish to enroll in virtual visits through the LiveHealth Online platform will be given a coupon code and will be emailed instructions about how to access the app.
    • Students will then be able to schedule an appointment by date and/or by therapist.
    • Once students select a date and time that works for them, they’ll be prompted for some additional information.
    • Students will be sent a confirmation email as well as a reminder email 15 minutes before the start time of the visit.
    • The clinician on the 24/7 support line will gather information about your preferences in a therapy provider. This could include gender, cultural or ethnic preferences, specialties and insurances accepted.
    • Problems or issues are defined by the specific concern you are having, i.e., what is going on in your life at that time, that is leading you to seek mental health care.
    • Problems are not determined by a diagnosis (e.g. anxiety, depression, stress), but by the nature of the problem/ issue. 
      • This means you can call the 24/7 support line about issues that are related to a specific diagnosis on more than one occasion.  For example, you might be depressed (diagnosis) because you’re having a hard time adjusting to school and sharing a room.  You would get 5 sessions (in-person or via teletherapy) with a clinician for this issue.  Later in the semester, you might be feeling depressed because you are struggling in a class you expected to excel in.  You would get 5 sessions for this issue.  You might also have anxiety about not being able to find a summer internship and you would also have 5 visits for this issue.   There is no limit to the number of issues you can have.
    • Please remember that the support line 24/7 clinicians are available for unlimited in-the-moment support when you just need to talk to someone.  These conversations are not considered sessions and do not count towards the 5 sessions.
    • As a point of reference, it might be useful to know the national average for talk therapy visits on college campuses is 5 visits*
    • Should you feel you need more than the 5 sessions for your one issue, you have the option to work with the same clinician using your health insurance or pay out-of-pocket. 
    • If your clinician doesn’t participate in your health insurance plan, Christie’s Student Navigators are available to help find a provider who does.
    • You have unlimited access to the 24/7 mental health support line to speak with a clinician about your mental health needs.
    • For both telehealth and face-to-face counseling, you will have access to 5 therapy sessions per issue, per year without any cost to you.
    • There is no limit to the number of times you can meet with a prescriber, and the number and frequency of recommended appointments will be decided by the prescriber.
    • You have unlimited access to the Personal Navigators for help with specialty referrals or other resources that will support you.
    • Students are not required to provide this information to get access to services and if you do not have insurance, we can connect you with a Christie Campus Health Navigator to assist you should you need to access care beyond the 5 sessions.
    • Navigators can assist you in accessing mental health providers, specialty providers, housing and food supports and or other services that will help support your academic success.
    • Navigators can help you with referrals to network or community providers based on factors including, but not limited to, location, language, and clinical specialty.
    • A member of our staff can make a referral the Navigators for you.
    • Counseling Staff can reach the Navigators at 866-639-3938.
    • You have access to online prescribing clinic for evaluation and management of mental health medications. Students seeking psychiatry services must first call the 24/7 support line for an initial assessment and referral. 
    • Referrals to the Online prescribing clinic can be made by calling 888-202-5295.
    • Appointments and scheduling available: Monday through Friday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
    • When you reach out to the prescribing clinic for a visit, the scheduling team will attempt to follow up with you at least three times to schedule an appointment that is convenient to you.
    • If the scheduling team is unable to reach you in those three attempts, the counseling center will be alerted that the visit was not scheduled.
    • After scheduling the visit, you will be asked to complete initial intake paperwork including a Release of Information Form allowing for information to be shared with the Counseling Center. If you do not want your information to be shared with the counseling center that will not prohibit you from accessing services. All paperwork can be completed and signed online.
    • Your telehealth appointment with the provider will be conducted over secure HIPAA compliant technology.
    • At the time the appointment is scheduled and on the day of your visit, you will receive a reminder email including the link to join your telehealth session.
    • When you join your session, you will initially be placed into a virtual waiting room. When the provider is ready, they will admit you to the session.
    • At the conclusion of the session, you and your provider will schedule your next follow up appointment at a date and time that is convenient for you, generally 3-5 weeks from your first visit.
    • If you signed the Release of Information the record of your visit will be shared with the counseling center within 24 hours.
    • Headspace is the leading mediation and mindfulness app with over 170 million users
    • The content is available in 5 languages (English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese)
    • Accessibility Captions and haptic assistance for all English audio & video content
    • The tools offered through Headspace can help you learn to manage feelings and thoughts with the lifelong skill of everyday mindfulness. Headspace helps students to:
      • Learn to stress less
      • Focus more and decrease mind wandering
      • Reduce strain and burnout
      • Improve self-compassion
      • Prepare for exams, presentations and more with custom exercises
    • There are over 1,000 hours of mindfulness and well-being content are available through the app including: guided meditations, mindful movement exercises, eyes-open content (mindful walks and runs), breathing and wind-down exercises, Sleepcasts, soundscapes, focus music and more!
    • Headspace offers a variety of DE & I focused content that highlights authentic experts who respond in real-time to cultural and social happenings
    • Visit for information about Headspace and to set up your free account.
    • SilverCloud is a self-guided, online program that helps you learn how to manage stress, teaches you coping skills and more. Whether you need help with your emotions, figuring out how to address negative thoughts, or just want to learn ways to feel better, assistance is a click away.
    • The program offers interactive tools, journaling, mood monitors, quizzes and exercises.
    • You can work through each module on your own or elect to work with a clinical coach for motivation & encouragement through the program.
    • Each individual program is targeted to meet your needs. Get help with:
      • Stress
      • Depression
      • Anxiety
      • Anxiety and Depression
      • Insomnia
      • Alcohol Use
      • Self-care and more!
    • SilverCloud is available 24/7 from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
    • Visit to learn more about SilverCloud and set up your free account.